How do I apply for financial assistance from We Care?

To apply for financial assistance from We Care you will need to (1) fill out an application, (2) provide additional documentation as requested, (3) be interviewed, and (4) provide permission for us to talk to your service provider (for example, your landlord in the case of rental assistance, or the power company in the case of energy assistance). You can read more about the application process here. When you are ready, apply here.

 What types of expenses does We Care help with?

We Care commonly assists with rent and rental deposits, utility (electricity or gas) or water bills, and small medical bills . We Care does not pay for gasoline or storage expenses, and does not pay vehicle expenses unless the applicant is living in their car. Other emergencies needing financial assistance are often considered.

How soon is assistance provided?

The intake volunteers do not decide if the financial assistance will be given.  Those decisions are made by the We Care board of directors which meets once each week on Thursdays.  The board takes into account the cause, severity, urgency, and nature of the emergency, as well as the ability of one-time assistance to solve the problem.  Therefore, applicants should try to fully explain their situation in their applications for assistance. Applications are preferably submitted by Tuesday, but must be submitted by 10 am on Wednesday to be considered for the meeting on the Thursday that follows. 

What type of supporting documentation do I need to submit with my application?

Refer to our Supporting Documentation page.

Who is eligible to apply?

We Care serves anyone who is a resident of Benton County, Oregon. We are unable to accept applications from those outside of our service area.

How are decisions made?

The intake volunteers do not decide if the financial assistance will be given.  Those decisions are made by the We Care board of directors which meets once each week on Thursdays.  The board takes into account the cause, severity, urgency, and nature of the emergency, as well as the ability of one-time assistance to solve the problem.  Therefore, applicants should try to fully explain their situation in their applications for assistance. Applications are preferably submitted by Tuesday, but must be submitted by 10 am on Wednesday to be considered for the meeting on the Thursday that follows. 

Where does the money come from?

We Care is funded by donations from individuals and faith communities and a few local granting agencies and local governments. (see Community Partners and Granting Agencies). We Care does not receive funding from the state or federal governments. Unfortunately, requests for assistance often exceed available funds, and We Care is unable to meet all requests for needed assistance.

Can I apply again if I already received We Care funds in the past?

Having received We Care assistance in the past does not disqualify you from consideration for assistance now. However, recent assistance from We Care is taken into consideration and may place your current application at a lower priority compared to first-time applications.